Little Sky Eyes

This piece is done using a photo David took of his daughter in Brazil when she was around a year old. Little Sky Eyes is the name given to her from an American Indian in California. The other text in…
This piece is done using a photo David took of his daughter in Brazil when she was around a year old. Little Sky Eyes is the name given to her from an American Indian in California. The other text in…
SambaLa Samba School promo video for their parade in 2018 in the Mizner Amphitheater area. David is president and co-founder of the group.
David, the architect of VIsualText, talks about version 2 of the editor for creating intelligent programs.
Trailer to David’s feature-length document Einstein Wrong. Watch it in its entirety on Vimeo. A suburban housewife takes on the icon of 20th century physics and finds miracles along the way. The director takes his mother on a journey to…
David de Hilster gives a Friday Seminar talk at the Clemson’s School of Computing on Intelligent Programming and NLP++.